In March of 1941, months before the United States plunged head first into WWII Timely Comics, which would eventually evolve into Marvel, released Captain America. He was the perfect foil to the ultimate villain Adolph Hitler. In fact the first issue has the Captain punching Hitler. Over the decades since we have seen the Captain in movie serials, low budget films and as a member of The Avengers, a Marvel based superhero team which I am pretty sure is led by the fictional hero Stan Lee. This weekend we got a refresher course with "Captain America: The First Avenger".
As a fan of superhero movies I have to admit I went into it with a bit of a bias, but this movie stood on it's own as a regular movie beyond the superhero business. The story of Steve Rogers is one that anyone can relate to who has been told they are too weak, too small, and too insignificant. Rogers never backs down and when he is turned down for military service he keeps trying to get in again and again.
Finally he runs into the scientist who will make the magic happen and he green lights Roger's enlistment. From there we leave the world of underdog working to make a difference and enter the superhero realm as he is transformed into Captain America and paraded around the country to sell war bonds after the evil Hydra destroys the super soldier program. When he learns his friend Bucky is missing in action he charges behind enemy lines and becomes the hero we all know him to be.
The story is very similar to the one I grew up with and Captain American still feels like an old friend. The filming techniques are reminiscent of the classic reels of the '50s and the action, while wild, has it's feet firmly in the Marvel Universe without being overwhelmed in cgi. Honestly, I found this to be one of the best superhero movies since the original Ironman. It was a pleasure to watch and a joy after the disappointment of other superhero films like the disaster known as Jonah Hex. The only real problem I have is that it leaves me wanting more. I don't know if I can wait until 2012 to see the Avengers movie.
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Posted by: Elijah | 11/30/2013 at 10:35 AM